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100 truyện tiếng Anh siêu ngắn, thiết kế riêng cho người mất gốc – P7

Luyện nghe tiếng anh cho người mất gốc

Tìm thấy niềm vui để có thêm đam mê khi học ngoại ngữ là rất quan trọng. Hãy nghĩ ra một vài cách học làm bạn hứng thú như xem phim, nghe nhạc, học nấu ăn, học vẽ, hoặc nói chuyện với bất kì ai bạn muốn... (Ảnh: Pexels)

Đối với những ai bị mất gốc tiếng Anh thì việc rèn luyện kỹ năng phát âm, nghe và nói là rất quan trọng. Các nguyên tắc cơ bản nhất để học tốt ngoại ngữ là thực tập, sử dụng cũng như tiếp xúc với ngoại ngữ đó càng nhiều càng tốt. Học hoặc luyện nghe tiếng Anh qua truyện là một trong những phương pháp học Anh hiệu quả, thú vị.

Các câu chuyện tiếng Anh đem lại cho chúng ta những điều lý thú của cuộc sống và tạo cảm giác hứng thú cho người học. Ngoài ra việc đọc truyện tiếng Anh cũng giúp chúng ta có thể học được cách viết, đọc, cũng như cách sử dụng ngữ pháp tiếng Anh trong mọi trường hợp một cách đơn giản nhất.

Mucwomen chia sẻ một bộ tài liệu luyện nghe tiếng Anh gồm 100 truyện ngắn cho người mất gốc tiếng Anh hoặc những bạn mới bắt đầu học tiếng Anh.

Các phần trước:

61. Art Class

She goes to her art class. She wears a special white coat. Now, her inside clothes will be clean. She is going to draw a sunflower. She gets a paintbrush. She gets green, yellow, and brown paint. She gets a white piece of paper. She dips her paintbrush in the paint. She starts to draw.


62. Getting Ready for Soccer Practice

She is getting ready for soccer practice. She wears her uniform. She gets a soccer ball. Her mom drives her to the soccer field. She gets out of the car. She says hi to all her teammates. They stretch. They put their legs together. They reach their toes with their hands.


63. The Pouch of a Kangaroo

A kangaroo is an interesting animal. It has a pouch. A kangaroo’s baby goes into the pouch. It is safe there. James would like to have a pouch. He would not put a baby in there. He would put food and video games inside. People and kangaroos are different.


64. Aunt and Uncle

He visits his aunt and uncle. They are very different from each other. His aunt is tall and skinny. His uncle is fat and short. His aunt likes vegetables. His uncle only eats meat. His aunt is quiet. His uncle is loud. They still love each other. They like it when he visits. He always has fun with his aunt and uncle.


65. A Busy Boy

The boy is always busy. He goes to school for eight hours. He has seven classes. They are all hard. He has a lot of homework. It takes him five hours to finish it. He also has piano practice. He spends two hours playing the piano. He only sleeps for four hours. He is tired.


66. Fruit Salad

She pours some chips in a bowl. Her dad sees her. He tells her chips are bad. They are unhealthy. She throws away the chips. She goes back to the kitchen. She starts to make fruit salad. She gets bananas, strawberries, kiwis, and apples. She cuts them up in small pieces. She puts them all together in a bowl.


67. He Takes His Test

The teacher announces that there is a test. The students clear off their desks. The teacher passes out the tests. A student takes a deep breath. He takes out his pencil. He looks at the questions. He knows the answers. He writes them down. He finishes the test. He feels good.


68. Parent-teacher Conference

Lisa and her mom go to school. They meet with Lisa’s teacher. The teacher smiles. They all sit down. The teacher talks about Lisa’s grades. She is doing very well. She is very smart. The teacher also talks about Lisa’s behavior. She is friendly to everyone. Her mom is happy.


69. The Second Dog

She has one dog already. It has black fur. It is very big. She wants another one. She goes to the pet store. She buys another dog. It has brown fur. It is medium-sized. She brings it home. She puts her two dogs together. They run away from each other. They do not like each other.


70. A Cat and a Ball of Yarn

The boy tries to study for his quiz tomorrow. His cat keeps bothering him. It keeps pulling his leg. It keeps making noises. He gets a ball of yarn. He throws it across the room. The cat chases the ball of yarn. The cat catches the yarn. It plays with it. The boy can finally study.
